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Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland


Terrence McDonough (Ed.)

‘Until now, nineteenth-century Ireland has been curiously absent from the lively critical and theoretical controversies concerning the value of colonial and postcolonial treatment of Irish history and culture. This timely, cogent and admirably wide-ranging volume sets out to establish the value of colonial perspectives to our understanding of that century, and does so in ways that are bound to stimulate discussion in scholarly disciplines ranging from history to economics to comparative literature and cultural studies.’
– Dr Joseph Cleary, Department of English, NUI Galway

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ISBN: 9780716527985 Categories: ,


The nineteenth-century history of Irish economics, politics and culture cannot be properly understood without examining Ireland’s colonial condition. Recent political developments and economic success have revived interest in the study of the colonial relationship between Britain and Ireland that is more nuanced than the traditional nationalist or academic revisionist view of Irish history. This new approach has arisen in several fields of historical investigation, notably culture, economics and political history.

Contributors: Denis O’Hearn, Christine Kinealy, Charles Orser, Peter Gray, Virginia Crossman, Nicola Drucker, Tony Ballantyne, Sean Ryder, Amy E. Martin, Pamela Clayton, Valerie Kennedy, Willa Murphy, Catherine Wynne, Terry Eagleton.

About the Editor

Terrence McDonough is a Professor at the Department of Economics in the National University of Ireland, Galway.